Saturday, November 8, 2008

Classification of Blogs

In the previous post of the blogosphere, the top 5 blogging topics according to Technorati are:

1. Personal/Lifestyle

2. Technology

3. Others (2008 election, alternative energy, art, beauty, blogging, comics, communication, cooking/food, crafts, design, environment, internet/Web 2.0, Jamaica, and media/journalism)

4. News

5. Politics

People are creating different blogs for different purposes, and while form follows function (Bear), a blog is a form itself; therefore blogs differ not only in content, but also how the content is delivered. There are many types of blogs, such as (

1. Personal blogs - an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual

2. Corporate blogs – a blog used for business purposes

3. Question blog – a type of blog that answers questions

4. Vlog - blog comprising videos

5. Linklog - blog with many links to other websites

6. Photoblog - blog with mainly photos

7. Sketchblog - blog containing a portfolio of sketches

8. Moblog – a blog written by a mobile device (e.g. mobile phone, PDA, etc.)

According to Margaret Simons’ A taxomony of blogs she looks at the various content of blogs and also the way it is presented to come up with new forms of words for different kinds of blogs.


In the real world, people who like reading come together and create a book club, and those who are interested in archery looks for and join the archery club. Communities form around a shared interest, and it can also be found in the virtual and blogging world.

People started blogging in niches, such as gaming, politics and music; people are blogging about things they care about (White 2006).

Websites such as is a blogging service which acts as a link to connect bloggers to each other. It makes it easier for bloggers to find each other and share, thus creating a small community. Then these bloggers have links to each other and other blogs with a similar interest to expand its community.

An example of a blogging community in Malaysia is Paul Tan’s blog ( which discusses on automotive issues. People with interest of the latest news in the auto industry visits this blog and are given the chance to comment on posts and link this blog to theirs. It has 863 links from 369 blogs.



Bear JH, Form and Function in Design and Publishing,, viewed 7 November 2008, <>.

Simons M 2008, Towards a Taxonomy of blog, Creative Economy, viewed 8 November 2008, <>.

Technorati™, State of the Blogosphere 2008, viewed 4 November 2008, <>.

White N 2006, Blogs and community: launching a new paradigm for online community?, viewed 8 November 2008, <–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community>. (2008), Blog, viewed 8 November 2008, <>.

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