Sunday, November 9, 2008

Opportunity for new forms of Media Publishing

The internet is growing. People are finding ways to create new ways of publishing by changing the how they use semiotic codes. Multimodality is combining text, image and other graphic elements, be it on paper, television or computers (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006).

As stated in a Classification of blogs (8 November 2008), there are many different forms of blogs like vlogs and photoblogs, which creates a new trend for blogging.

Video sharing websites such a YouTube have been constantly criticized for their copyright infringement. In 2007, Viacom sued Google-owned YouTube over their clips.

YouTube also have a copyright policy, but it is difficult to control and track their user’s actions, so issues are still going on for YouTube.

While forms of media publishing are continuously changing, there are still limitations in the ‘what’ that can be published online, because if one is not careful, a lawsuit might follow just as Google experienced.

But there are some who are taking advantage of the so called ‘new media’, such as PressMart, which is a digital publishing service for newspapers, magazines and any print publication to a digital device (mobile phone, iPod, etc.) for a certain fee. People can now read their newspapers online or on their iPod.

PressMart - link to Youtube video

Nielsen said in 1998 that media formats will die and replaced with an integrated Web medium in 5 to 10 years, which is about now in the year 2008 (Nielsen, 1998). This is beginning to come true, and we are moving into a new era of media publishing.



Broache, A & Sandoval, G 2007, Viacom sues Google over YouTube clips, CNET News, viewed 9 November 2008, <;txt>

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 2006, Chapter 6: The meaning of composition, Reading Images: Grammar of Visual Design, Routledge, London.

Nielsen, J 1998, The End of Legacy Media, Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox,, viewed 9 November 2008, <>.

Youtube, Copyright Infringement Notification, viewed 9 November 2008, <>

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